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Mental Health & Well-being at UMD
Get Immediate Help For Students For Faculty & Staff For Parents & Families
Get Immediate Help For Students For Faculty & Staff For Parents & Families

For Faculty & Staff

A professor teaches a class full of students at Whiting Turner Labs

Faculty and staff play a unique and critical role in our campus community. At UMD, we are committed to supporting our faculty and staff as they care for themselves, their students and their colleagues.

Resources for self-care Resources to care for students

Faculty and Staff Self-Care

Front exterior view of the University Health Center from Below

Core resource

Faculty Staff Assistance Program

The Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is an assessment, referral, coaching, consultation and short-term counseling service available to all full and part-time employees of the University of Maryland.  Since 1988, FSAP has worked with thousands of employees to address a variety of work-related conflicts and personal issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship and family conflicts, as well as medical, legal and financial concerns.

Contact FSAP

More Self-Care Resources

University Human Resources

  • Well-being: Find out what resources are available to you as a university employee to meet your mental, physical, family and professional wellness needs
  • Staff and Labor Relations: Get advice and assistance on employee-relations issues

Conflict Resolution

The Conflict Resolvers Network (CRN) at UMD are a consortium of advisors, counselors and mediators on campus who are available to assist with resolving conflict for faculty, staff and students. The network includes ombuds for all campus community members.

The network also includes representatives from campus units related to diversity and inclusion, sexual misconduct, bias incidents and more.

Occupational Health Services

Professional Growth

Family Support

  • Center for Healthy Families: Provides sliding-scale couple, family and individual therapy by training graduate students under the supervision of clinical faculty

Faculty Affairs

Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct

Bias Incidents

Care for Students

Concerned about a student in crisis?

If a student is experiencing a life-threatening mental health emergency, call 911 or refer them to the nearest hospital emergency room.

For all other mental health emergencies, please call the Counseling Center at 301-314-7651, or call or text the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

Supporting a Student in Immediate Need

These resources are intended to support students in immediate or near-immediate need. See the next section to view resources on supporting students long-term.

Behavioral Evaluation & Threat Assessment (BETA) Team

The BETA (Behavior Evaluation and Threat Assessment) Team evaluates reports about University of Maryland community members who are concerning, disruptive or threatening. Contact the BETA Team if you are concerned a student is a danger to themselves or others.

Counseling Center Referral Guide

Learn when and how to refer a student to a professional mental health provider.

Assisting Students in Distress

Learn when and how to take action during a student emergency and who to contact to respond.

Behavioral Health Services

Behavioral Health Services provides confidential services to UMD students including medication evaluation and management, crisis intervention and psychotherapy. If you are concerned about a student, please reach out for assistance.

Substance Use Intervention & Treatment (SUIT)

SUIT provides short-term, evidence-based psychoeducational interventions, treatment/counseling, consultation and advocacy for students at the University of Maryland who are experiencing problems related to their or another person’s substance use. 

CARE to Stop Violence

Campus Advocates Respond and Educate to Stop Violence (CARE) provides free, confidential advocacy and therapy services to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment.

Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM)

OCRSM administers University policies and procedures prohibiting and addressing discrimination and harassment.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students supports Terps in need by providing basic needs support, care referrals and more.

Supporting Terps Year-Round

These resources are intended to help you provide support for all your students and improve your skills in recognizing and meeting students' wellness needs.

Mental Health First Aid

Learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in this eight-hour training offered on campus.

T.E.R.P.S. for Terps

The Counseling Center’s Training to Evaluate, Respond to, and Prevent Suicide (T.E.R.P.S.) for Terps program helps faculty and staff learn how to identify student mental health challenges, including suicidal thoughts, and respond with empathy and appropriate resources and referrals. To access this training, click "Contact program coordinator".

Undergraduate Ombuds

The Undergraduate Ombuds Office works to ensure that undergraduate students receive fair and equitable treatment in matters of concern or complaints involving the University.

Academic Support Services

Refer students to services and resources that support their academic success.

Advisors & Faculty Academic Resources

Learn important information to support your daily interactions with undergraduate students.

Teaching Policies & Guidelines

Review practices, policies and expectations for your courses and communication with students.

Supporting the Whole Student

Find campus resources to support all of your students' health and wellness needs.

Creating a Culture of Care

Learn practical approaches to support student well-being and mental health.

The Role of Faculty in Mental Health

Learn more about your role in student mental health.

Campus Mental Health Events